Our Delivery

Teaching Virtues Through Sport (TVTS) Training

TVTS provides methods to intentionally use sport to develop the character and life skills of young people. It is founded on the concept of character education and provides practical ways to adapt and deliver sport for development session to focus on virtues.

Courage - Responsibility - Fairness - Leadership - Empathy - Selflessness - Perseverance - Resilience - Compassion Honesty 

This approach provides young people with the opportunity to explore what good character looks like in sport and practice this in a range of fun but challenging situations. Here character and virtues are explicitly taught and explored to help participants understand virtue terms, what they mean and what they ‘look like’ in real life. 

To find out more please click here to visit our TVTS page here.

Academic Mentoring

We provide personalised academic support to refugees and asylum seekers within the West Midlands and Warwickshire, UK counties.

Through our wide connections with schools, colleges and universities, we provide qualification guidance, application support, assistance with examination entry, and ongoing mentorship throughout a person's studies.

Some of the qualifications we can support:

Adult Coach / Session Leader Training 

Sessions are aimed at anyone involved in the delivery of sport. They offer practical advice on how to deliver engaging and inclusive game based activities that emphasise social learning and personal development. 

Content will be framed around 4 key areas

Team PE Youth Leadership Course

Sessions are specifically designed to help young people develop leadership skills and empower them to help others enjoy the benefits of sport and physical activity.

Participants will learn transferable skills, including how to plan and organise sessions effectively, as well as discovering how to lead physical activities for others in their schools, clubs or community.

To account for the wide range of native languages and literacy skills of our participants, sessions are planned and personalised so that everyone can achieve irrespective of their background, ability or level of confidence.

Becoming a Team PE Leader

Participants will be empowered to lead in 4 key areas:

Together Through Sport

Together Through Sport was a 2023 UK based project that focused on supporting refugees and asylum seekers. It provided participants with safe and inclusive opportunities to participate in sport together and with the wider community. It also provided opportunities to take on leadership roles in health & safety, coaching, fundraising and project coordination.

It ran in collaboration with the organisations Compassionate Kenilworth and the Kenilworth Community Centre.

We strive to support 4 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals